Weinrow-Gefen, Yehuda-Ya’akov

Weinrow-Gefen, Yehuda-Ya’akov

Yehuda, ben Hannah, and Isaac was born on September 15, 1949, in Haifa.Yehuda was drafted into the IDF in late October 1967. Since he was a member of the Gadna Air Force, he hoped to be sent to the IDF, but was assigned to the Armored Corps. After completing his basic training, he completed a course in the Patton tank course, a course for professional instructors and a course for tank commanders. He was a good guide, responsible and devoted to his job, taking care of his subordinates and encouraging them to encourage them during difficult times. To his friends was an example of his good temper, his passivity and his obedience. In 1969 he was a member of the IDF delegation to the four days of the Netherlands, and after his discharge from the regular service he continued his studies at the son of-Gurion University of the Negev in Be’er Sheva, in the faculty of efficiency and production. The Yom Kippur War was carried out with his unit to the Sinai front and participated in the battles of containment and break-up against the Egyptians, and his tank was damaged several times and he was left behind, and after his unit advanced and he lost its tracks, he was apprehended by another unit. The small power of it could not hold the place for long, On October 18, 1973, Judah fell in battle in the area of the “Chinese farm.” At first he was considered missing, and his body was later identified and brought to rest at home. He was survived by a father, a mother, and a brother with his family.

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