Weingarten, Alexander (Shimon-Zvi)

Weingarten, Alexander (Shimon-Zvi)

The youngest son of Braindel and Shlomo, was born on the 12th of Nisan, (15.4.1924) in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, to a devout family. In May 1947 he boarded the ship “Max Nordoi”, arrived in Jerusalem and he then enlisted in the Haganah. With the outbreak of the War of Independence served in the Jerusalem Brigade and was among the defenders of the Castel at the time of Operation Nachshon”. This regime was subject to many attacks and on April 8, 1948, a heavy attack was carried out
and the defenders had to retreat. He fell In this battle on the 28th of Adar 5708 (1948) and was buried in Ma’ale Hachamisha. On the 12 th of Kislav,19.11.1953, he was laid to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Har Herzl.

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