Weiner, Yehuda (Yehudale)

Weiner, Yehuda (Yehudale)

Son of Israel and Rachel. Born on 8 August 1949 in Binyamina, he lost his father when he was 7. He studied at the elementary school in Binyamina and completed his studies there, and later studied at the regional high school in Pardes Hannah, where he belonged to the Hapoel sports organization, Was an excellent student who loved to read a lot and even to put his thoughts on paper and was clear of his thoughts.In the course of extensive and wide-ranging literary studies he would succeed, and he graduated from high school and received his matriculation certificate, During his vacations and in his free time, Afterward, he passed the entrance exams to the medical school, but decided after all that he had to tie his future in the IDF – and not in a combat unit – “not for school now,” he said in parting from his mother: “Mom, take care of yourself and do not worry about me: In November 1967 he was drafted into the IDF and since he was a psychoteconomist, he was assigned to the Armored Corps. He served in the tank service as a tank gunner, and performed all the tasks assigned to him. – He was destined to advance and see his future in the army – but he fell in battle at Port Tawfiq in Sinai; This was on September 8, 1968. He was brought to eternal rest in Binyamina. At the regional high school in Pardes Hannah, the family established a library in his honor. His name was also commemorated in a traveling cup in the soccer match played by the Hapoel Israel and Ben-Zion Benyamina teams during the intermediate days of Succoth.

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