Weiler, Moshe (Marcel)

Weiler, Moshe (Marcel)

Son of Menachem and Varda. He was born on the 20th of Tishrei, 5705 (22.9.1944) in Caracas, Venezuela, where he immigrated to Israel on the last day of 1947 as a member of Machal and served in the Air Force as an engineer. When he contracted a serious and dangerous illness, he set up an independent business of copying his photography programs. In the meantime, Moshe graduated from elementary school and moved to technical high school, where he excelled in mathematics and physics, but was forced to leave school in the tenth grade and help his father in his office because his illness worsened. He was an excellent athlete and belonged to Hapoel. When his parents separated, all the burden of livelihood fell on Moshe, but he managed to run the business and succeeded. Soon he grew up and showed strong willpower, great ability to work, a right and quick decision, and he was able to develop and expand the business. Thus he sacrificed his private life to a business he had gotten into his hands – all to help his father make a living. His life was full of hardships and torments, and even when he was drafted into the IDF in May 1963, he was not much happier because he joined one of the most difficult units in the army, and a few months after his enlistment, on the 16th of Elul 5723 (16.9.1963) Fulfilling his duties and being put to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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