Watsel, Zev (Volodya)

Watsel, Zev (Volodya)

The only son of Genia and Ralph was born on June 7, 1962 in Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, and immigrated to Israel in March 1938. Here he studied in a high school and later studied at the British Institute. Was a member of the Communist movement and excelled in his devotion and loyalty to his friends and party. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, he enlisted in the Haganah and served in the Moriah Battalion in the Jerusalem Brigade. He participated in the battles at the source of Haim, Talpiot and especially the occupation of the Allenby camp. As an only son he had the right to remain in the rear, and his commanders refused to send him to the line of fire, but he insisted on his demands and explained that as a communist he was to be in the front lines of the fighters “against imperialism and for the liberation of the nations.” With the consent of his mother, he went to battle and stood at the observation post in Talpiot, when he was hit by a bullet in the head on May 16, 1948. . Since that night two of his friends from Ramat Rachel were killed, his mother did not object to being brought to rest in the Ramat Rachel cemetery.

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