Waronzberg, Meir

Waronzberg, Meir

Son of Chana and Yoel. He was born in 1900 in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, and immigrated to Eretz Israel with his wife and son in 1927. Since he was still working in Poland as a conductor and driver of a railway locomotive, he found it difficult to find work in his profession on the Eretz Israel train. The family settled in Halisa, near Haifa. In Israel, they had two daughters and the family lived on the labor of Meir, who cared for them as much as he could. Meir joined the Haganah and was an active and disciplined member. Despite the Arab attacks in the 1936-1939 events, Meir continued his role without fear. On 8 Tishrei, October 3, 1938, Meir took care of the locomotive he was in charge of, and an Arab passing by asked for water to drink, and when he turned to fill a glass of water in the locomotive, Meir was shot in the head and chest and killed. Meir was brought to eternal rest in the Haifa cemetery, and left a wife, son and two daughters, two sisters and four brothers, one of whom succeeded in immigrating to Israel. The rest perished in the Holocaust.

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