Walt, Sando-Issachar

Walt, Sando-Issachar

Son of Avraham and Bluma. He was born on January 2, 1947, in SalfenaSon of, Austria, when his family immigrated to Israel when he was about a year old, where he studied at the Alliance elementary school in the Manshiyyah neighborhood and the Weizmann School in Jaffa. And also a member of the “Sea Scouts” in Jaffa, until he began to study at the Ort vocational high school in Jaffa, during which time he was a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed youth movement, loved swimming at sea all year round and was a tennis fan. Read a lot, was a devoted friend to all his friends and was always ready to help foreign people, was drafted into the IDF in May 1966 and joined a combat unit. Sando completed a squad commander course and then went on a course on explosive devices. For a while he handled recruitment of recruits and served as a sergeant. The soldiers loved him, to the point of admiration, and when they finished basic training they did not want to go on without him. At the end of June 1969, he signed up for six months in the regular army, and his commanders were so pleased with him that they asked him to sign another period. He listened to them and signed for another year. He moved to another unit – but two weeks later, on the 26th of Shvat 5702 (February 2, 1970), he fell while serving in the Jordan Valley. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. In his letter of condolence to his parents, the commander of his unit wrote: “Your son served during the compulsory service in the Combat Engineering Battalion and participated as a commander in many operations in the Sinai and the Canal. He became fond of his friends and stood out for his seriousness and willingness to do everything he had to do. “

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