Walt, Abraham

Walt, Abraham

Son of Shmuel and Tzipora. He was born on May 28, 1932 in the city of Baku, Romania. He graduated from an elementary school in his city. He immigrated to Israel in 1948, at the height of the War of Independence, and their ship was deported to Cyprus, where he was deported along with other immigrants. There was a carpenter by profession. After a few months of her family stay in Cyprus she arrived in Israel and settled in Kfar Saba. With the arrival of Avraham, he began agricultural work and also worked in fortifications around the Triangle. He continued to serve in the army until May 1950, when he was drafted together with him and both served in one brigade, and served for only four months until the 17th of Elul 5710 (17.8.1950) In the Negev. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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