Waksberg, Chaim (Henryk)

Waksberg, Chaim (Henryk)

Son of Reizel and Yitzhak, was born in 1925 in Sosnowiec, Poland. He attended elementary school. Passed through the period of World War II and its terrible events and even gained a war experience. While in Cyprus (he arrived on the Latrun in the summer of 1947), he was active in the Haganah. At first he worked as a laborer in Haifa port, but immediately after the situation worsened he joined the defense forces and did not wait for the order. He served in the Carmeli Brigade from its inception and took part in its activities. On the afternoon of March 27, 1948, a convoy of seven vehicles and 90 people left Nahariya to deliver supplies, fortifications and reinforcements to Yiham. Near Kabri, the convoy encountered an Arab ambush. The first armored vehicle managed to break into Yehiam, but the rest of the vehicles were ambushed. The convoy members fought until the evening and under cover of darkness some of them managed to escape, but half of them fell in battle and lived among them. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya.

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