Wagner, Zvi

Wagner, Zvi

Son of Lena and Jacob. He was born on December 22, 1905 in Germany to parents who were religious and Zionist in their outlook. In 1929 he immigrated with his parents to Eretz Israel and went to study at the “Chafetz Chaim” yeshiva in Petach Tikva. In 1929 he enlisted in the book corps and served there for seven years, and in 1936 he joined the police and served at the station in Netanya, where he was transferred to Safed and where he spent about a year and a half and married a wife on 22 Shvat. February 11, 1939. While on duty in Safed, a unit of Hebrew guards were attacked by an Arab gang near the cemetery in the city, the unit returned fire. In the meantime, reinforcements were summoned by British soldiers and Jewish policemen, who had entered the battle with the gang. He was shot and killed there. After the gang was repulsed, his body was transferred to the government hospital in Safed and from there, under honor, to Tel Aviv. He came to rest in the cemetery in Nahalat Yitzhak, and left a wife and parents.

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