Visser, Abraham

Visser, Abraham

Son of Frieda and David, was born on May 1, 1958 in Petah Tikva and was educated there in the school for the children of the workers. After completing his studies at this school, he went to work in the garage of the “Ichud Regev” transportation company in Petah Tikva, to help his parents, whose financial situation was difficult. He was an active member of the local branch of Hanoar Haoved. Together with some of his friends in this branch, he went on a training course in Ayelet Hashahar in the Upper Galilee and at the end of his training he joined the “Mashabim” settlement group that worked in Herzliya and was one of the Palmach’s recruits. After the War of Independence, he took part in the Battle of Independence and took part in the battle for the conquest of Katamon, where he fell, on the 29th of Nissan 5708 (29.4). 1948). He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Anavim.

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