Visgross, Chedvi

Visgross, Chedvi

Son of Bella and Avraham, was born on March 25, 1929 in Rehovot. After graduating from elementary school he studied at the agricultural school in Pardes Hannah. He was diligent in his studies, read a lot and worked hard. He had an affinity to art and especially to music. Yet he was withdrawn and very serious. He participated in the training of the Scouts in Ein Gev and despite his Lev illness he was drafted into the Palmach, where he participated in the bombing of the Abu-Behar Canaan House, the Meron Bridge, the Ein Zeitim Battles and the Safad Defense. During the siege of Ein Zeitim, he infiltrated the enemy lines, reached Mount Canaan and brought with him an important message. He served in one of the battalions in the “Yiftach” brigade as a liaison between the company headquarters and the platoons. He fell in the battle to conquer Safed on Sunday, May 10, 1948, when he sent a message to the platoon that burst into the citadel hill and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Safed.

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