Vingrod, Daniel (Danny)

Vingrod, Daniel (Danny)

Daniel (Danny), son of Betty and Shlomo, was born on August 19, 1952, in Ramat Gan. Daniel was an avid nature lover, loved flowers and animals and most of all – birds. He liked to travel around the country and photograph its landscapes and sites, and he always knew how to choose unique and original angles of photography. He also loved literature, poetry, and music in its various styles. Daniel was active, very energetic and full of vitality. He said about himself: “When I sit more than 15 minutes in one place, I get bored.” And his friends say about him, that he was “a mixture of action, joy of life, smiles, sensitivity, and love of life.” He always had new ideas, original and unexpected, imaginative and playful. He loved to laugh, was very cheerful, happy and smiling. His words were spiced with great humor, evident also in letters to his parents and friends. He disliked Ruth. He did not like rigid frames and stood stubbornly on his views. Every phenomenon and matter was examined in depth and through a critical approach. He was honest, very sensitive to injustice, and never hesitated to say what was on his mind, even if it was difficult and oppressive. Daniel was drafted into the IDF in early January 1971. He served in the Israel Air Force, but was assigned to the Armored Corps. He was an efficient officer, disciplined, loyal and sympathetic. His subordinate tells of him: “Joyful and good-natured was Danny, and sometimes our cheerfulness seemed frivolous, sometimes he would do things against our will, to get us out of the gray routine we lived in. he never knew fear, he always ran first for every mission without hesitation. when they hit operational readiness and minimal discipline. ” He participated in operational activities and was awarded the “Operational Service Award”. In January 1974 he was to complete his regular service and serve six months in the career army. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Daniel’s unit was sent to the front in Sinai. On the 7th of Tishrei 5740 (7.10.1973), in the northern sector, between Kantara and Beluzah, Daniel fell in battle. At the head of the armored infantry unit, he set out to kill Egyptian commandos who had infiltrated by sea, in a Romanian area, and ambushed the hills. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He was survived by a father, mother and brother. After his fall, he was promoted to Lieutenant.

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