Vereker, Israel-Yehoshua

Vereker, Israel-Yehoshua

Son of Mania and Eliahu was born on March 7, 1929, in the city of Brody, Poland, where he had a traditional education in the “cheder”. After completing his studies, he moved to the Yeshiva of Rabbi Amiel in Tel Aviv, where he excelled in writing some of his most important works, and after a while he moved to Yeshivat Hahadash Hahadash in Petach Tikvah, His parents ‘economic situation began to work half a day in his parents’ farm and the second half was devoted to his Talmud, and was chosen by the Hapoel Hamizrahi branch in Magdiel, He was transferred to Netanya where he received his basic training, and his company, which belonged to the Alexandroni Brigade, was transferred from place to place on the border of the “Triangle.” He excelled in fine and precise work, He took part in the battles of Kfar Yavetz, Migdal Tzedek, Rosh Ha’ayin, Latrun and Kakon, where he was lightly injured in the leg. On July 15, 1948, in the evening, his company replaced another company from the brigade in the posts east of Kula and had not yet managed to prepare and dig in properly. The following morning the Legion forces attacked the outpost. Aided by artillery fire and armored vehicles, swept the department posts at the front post and forced the company to withdraw. With a bandaged leg he took part in the battle and Haifa with his machine gun on an entire platoon until he fell on the 9th of Tammuz 5708 (16.7.1948) and was brought to rest in a grave in the Netanya military cemetery.

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