Vasilovsky, Shalom

Vasilovsky, Shalom

Son of Esther and Nissan. He was born in 1923 in Vilnius (Vilna), Lithuania. In 1935 Shalom went to Palestine with his family. The family lived in Tel Aviv while Shalom studied at the Hebron Yeshiva in Jerusalem. After the outbreak of World War II, Shalom responded to the call of the national institutions and enlisted in the British army. He was assigned to the Signal Corps and attached to a signal company. With his unit he served throughout the Middle East and finally reached the North African front. He was killed in a car accident on 1 Av (2.8.1943) and was buried in the British military cemetery in Tobruk, leaving a mother, two sisters and two brothers, and his name was immortalized in a booklet published by the Executive Committee of the Histadrut in “The Yearbook of the Journalists” “1946,” The Book of Volunteerism” and the book “Yizkor” of the Jabotinsky Institute.

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