Vardi, Ron

Vardi, Ron

Son of Drora and her friends, was born on May 11, 1964 in Rishon Letzion. Ron began his studies at Haviv Elementary School and graduated with honors. He continued to study at the Reali Gymnasium in Rishon Letzion, but stopped his studies and took the matriculation exams as an external examiner. Ron was a gifted boy, he had many areas of activity, and even contributed to the public and society. He was a member of the Scouts movement, the head of a battalion in the Sorek tribe and the center of the Scout troop in Ramat Eliyahu. As early as his childhood, his qualities were engraved on him. At the age of 12, she will strengthen the pedagogic switchboard at the Haviv school and begin her computer studies in the science-oriented youth group at the Weizmann Institute. Ron coordinated and guided various activities: at the Youth Movement Training Center, in a computer school, in the radio, electric and electronics circles, and also published and published an auxiliary booklet on these subjects. He participated in a youth delegation on behalf of the Rishon Lezion Municipality to the United States, and in the film “Sixteen in Rishon”, which was broadcast on Israeli television. Ron also acted in the “Civil Guard” in his city. His hobbies were photography and development, diving and cliffs. He acquired his knowledge of electronics and computer hardware and achieved achievements on these subjects. He was the first to actually communicate between computers by telephone with the newspaper Ma’ariv. Ron postponed his enlistment in one year, volunteered for Etgar and worked there for his youth and youth in Ramat Eliyahu. At the beginning of November 1983 he was drafted into the IDF and volunteered to serve in the Givati ​​Brigade After completing basic training Ron joined the Shaked Battalion, where he participated in various courses, including the “Sniper Sniper Course.” On August 29, 1984, His role in Lebanon, and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Rishon Letzion. He left behind his parents, sister and twin brothers. In a letter of condolence to his family, his commander wrote: “During his short service in the battalion, Ron managed to participate in many operational activities and during a long training period in which he stood out from above and loved everyone around him … I knew Ron as a soldier of great will and ability, . The “Ron Vered Center for the Care of Gifted Children” was established at the “Haviv” School in Rishon LeZion, which includes the gifted children of Rishon Le’Zion, grades 3 through 6,

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