Vanunu, Mas’ud (Asher)

Vanunu, Mas’ud (Asher)

Son of Masuda and Avraham, was born in 1956. In 1964, at the age of eight, his parents immigrated to Israel, and the family settled in Hatzor Haglilit, Mas’ud was the second child in the family, and his younger brothers and sisters were born in Hatzor. , But they took care to educate them in the spirit of tradition, and completed his first three grades in a school in Morocco, where he continued to study at the “Choni haMaagel” religious public school in Hatzor, In February 1974 he joined the IDF and served in the Armored Corps. He underwent basic training and was sent to a series of courses and training courses as a truck driver, a heavy-duty driver, a storekeeper and a regimental officer. In April 1975, Massoud was promoted to the rank of Corporal, and in 1974, when he completed his service, he returned to Hazor and began to work to help support the family, and was accepted by his friends in the town as a pleasant and friendly man. In the fourth day of the war, on June 10, 1982, his unit was liquidated from the area of ​​Sidon by terrorists: Mas’ud, who was driving a truck, was injured in the bombing of airplanes, was transferred to the hospital in Safed and died of his wounds. He was buried in the military section of the Hazor cemetery and left behind a mother, five brothers and two sisters, and Defense Minister Ariel Sher Real wrote a condolence letter he sent to his family: “Massoud Vanunu gave his life for his country. He served in the armored corps and fulfilled his duties to the satisfaction of his commanders. Was friendly and sympathetic and prominent among his comrades in the unit. “

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