Tzur, Yair

Tzur, Yair

Son of Shlomo and Hela. He was born on October 21, 1936 in Petach Tikvah, and his first years of childhood were years of events in Israel and the days were difficult for the Yishuv, and with the immigration to Beit She’an he arrived with all the children to the settlement. After graduating from the elementary school in Neve Eitan, he traveled daily to the school in Ginegar and Geva (the following classes), and was a member of the Hanoar Haoved movement. The children were a toy installer and later showed a tendency and talent for mechanics, continuing his studies at the vocational school near the Hebrew Technion in Haifa and working in the farm. When he left school, he enlisted in the army in November 1954 and, with clear recognition, fulfilled his duty while performing his duties in training. On Wednesday, 9 March 1956, he fell and was brought to eternal rest in Beit- The cemetery in Neve Eitan. The “Niv HaGevah” of the month of Shevat 1957. The leaves bearing the name were taken out by the Neve Eitan group, and the group planted a garden in its name and placed a basalt stone on which were placed copper letters “Gan Yair” : “In memory of our son who fell on his watch.” His memory was also raised in Uri Milstein’s book, “The Paratroop Wars.”

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