Tzulof, Aryeh

Tzulof, Aryeh

Son of Roza and Mordechai. He was born in 1909 in Mikulintzia, Galicia, Poland and immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1920. For several years he was a member of Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz and later settled in Kiryat Chaim, married, raised a family and worked for five years as a mechanic at the Kiryat Haim Water Institute. He joined the Haganah and was an active member of the Ha-Po’el Company in Haifa and also served as a guard, serving as a liaison officer in the Haganah. During the 1936-1939 riots he excelled in discovering and capturing Arabs involved in bloody attacks. A few days after his enlistment, on 13 Tamuz, 19 July 1940, he was killed in a car accident in Kiryat Chaim and laid to rest at the Haifa cemetery. He left a wife, a boy and a girl, a list of his life and deeds published in Davar.

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