Tzibin, Shmaryahu

Tzibin, Shmaryahu

Son of Nissim and Betty Sarah. Was born on September 23, 1943 in Shanghai, China. The family immigrated to Israel in 1949. Shmaryahu completed his studies at the elementary school in Kfar Pines and then studied for two years in a vocational school in Daughter of Galim. From there he moved to Kibbutz Lehavot Haviva where he graduated from high school. He found his livelihood mechanically. In August 1961 he was drafted into the IDF and served in the Engineering Corps, completed an officer’s course, completed one year of permanent service, and three and a half years later retired from the IDF with the rank of lieutenant. He fell in a battle in the Sinai on 10 June 1967. He was brought to rest in the cemetery in Migdal Ha’Emek.

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