Turgeman, Yaakov (Koko)

Turgeman, Yaakov (Koko)

Son of Esther and Chaim. Born on 17.3.1963 in Casablanca, Morocco, the third of nine children. Yaakov was named after his grandfather, Jacob Turgeman. Jacob acquired his first education in Casablanca at the Alliance elementary school and the Neve Shalom high school. When he reached the age of mitzvot, Yaakov and his brothers asked their father to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, and the father made tremendous efforts despite the many difficulties He returned to Morocco to finish his high school studies at the Ort school, where he began to work as a branch manager in the company for the import of electrical appliances for the industry and the home. He devoted himself to work to make money and realize what was then made Three years later, at the age of 20, Yaakov fulfilled his dream, leaving his family in Morocco and immigrating to Israel with one of his brothers and cousin. At the religious kibbutz Sa’ad in the Negev, he moved to Givat Olga, where he worked as a receptionist at one of the first absorption centers for Ethiopian immigrants, the Green Coast. After a while, under the influence and encouragement of their son, Jacob’s family decided to immigrate to Israel and were registered at the absorption center in Mevasseret Zion. He joined them and there, later, he knew his heart, Yolanda. The couple married in the summer of 1988 and established their home in Mevasseret Zion. Jacob began working in a micro-electronics factory where he acquired knowledge and friends. Seven months after the wedding, at the beginning of March 1989, Yaakov enlisted in the IDF and served for six months in the framework of new immigrants (stage 2). He led him to a computerized computer processing course on behalf of the Ministry of Labor in Jerusalem, where he found work in the construction industry Shortly after the birth of their second son, Shane (Haim) , And soon fell in love with the profession, and his style and character appealed to him and opened up a new world for him Every piece of information and experience he acquired over the years dealt with daily operational problems and forced the family to move to Rishon Letzion, where their third child, Benjamin (son), was born. But he later received a tempting job offer from another company in the Emek HaEla area and began to serve as a project manager, and his new work required a lot of investment and he devoted himself to it, As usual. Jacob was a unique person with many skills and vast fields of knowledge. He liked to set himself mental challenges and seek intellectual stimuli, loved to help others unconditionally and without any compensation. Jacob loved the land and prided itself on its origin, its roots, and its being a Jew living in the Land of Israel. He aspired to perfection and had the ability to lead – already as a young man he made those around him do as he pleased and always achieved what he wanted. Everywhere he came he liked everything and could adapt to the environment. One of his favorite hobbies was drumming. with the help ofHis drum set had found relief after long, exhausting working days. From time to time he would accompany his brother’s singing with drums, in their joint performances at events and celebrations. Yaakov grew up in a religious home and raised his children in the spirit of tradition. His wife stood by him at any time and in every situation, and with his help he always kept his cool and optimism, and could not talk to frustrate him. Even in moments of uncertainty he was able to overcome his stubbornness, diligence and devotion. His family was more important to him than he was, and even if he did not have time to spend time with his children, he was able to take advantage of what little he had and compensate them for lost time. From time to time he would take his young son to the sites where he worked, and the toddler became a partner to experiences from his father’s beloved world. Yaakov served in the reserves as a liaison, in the territorial defense battalion of the Judea and Samaria Division. On the 26th of Tammuz 5756 (26.6.1996), during a reserve duty in the Naaran region of the Jordan Valley, the force encountered by a group of terrorists infiltrated from Jordan and waited in ambush. Bardugo and the symbol of Ashraf Shuvali. Jacob was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. He left behind a wife, three children, parents and eight brothers and sisters: Gabriel, Chantal, Raphael, Orly, Lillian, Daniel, Michael and Amram. Ya’akov was promoted to corporal after his death, and in a letter of condolences to the bereaved family, Major General Gabi wrote: “Yaakov joined the reserve company and became an integral part of it. “After his death, a page appeared in his memory in the booklet” Tears of Angels “published by the local council of Mevasseret Zion, and the family published a memorial booklet containing the lines of Yaakov, “What can you say about a person who gives all of himself to do a job and can not do half things? What can you say about a strong person who stands by you in all the obstacles of life in Israel and is still sensitive enough to forgive your weaknesses? Say about a person who remains calm when everyone is around and under pressure, and understand their fears / what can be said about a person who has patience q What can you say about a person who is capable of solving a wide range of problems and remaining modest in his / her behavior What can you say about a person who can help translate your dreams and expectations into reality and does not give credit to him / What can you say about a person who sees all his dreams You can say about a person who is willing to risk everything he has in exchange for your word and forgive you when you did not stand up to her. What can you say about a person who came from a different place than yours and yet closer to you than your brother? He is your friend, he is one of the best things that can happen to man and never has a substitute for the world A miss. “

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