Tuchman, Issachar (“Nunik”)

Tuchman, Issachar (“Nunik”)

Son of Hanoch and her face. He was born on October 15, 1926, in the town of Stolin, Poland, where he graduated from the “Tarbut” Hebrew school and belonged to Hanoar Hatzioni, and was deported with his family to Siberia at the beginning of the Second World War. Where he continued his studies for a short period of time and then went to work in iron mines where he lived, and when he was 15 he was drafted into the Polish army, which was then established in the Soviet Union. He participated in several battles and was among the liberators of Prague. At the end of 1945 his wanderings began and he wished to reach Eretz Israel. He spent some time in Austria and then moved to Germany where he worked in the main leadership of Hashomer Hatzair. He was active in DP camps in Germany and worked with other members in smuggling immigrants to Israel. Finally, on the holiday of Lag B’Omer (May 1947), Issachar was granted the opportunity to arrive in Israel. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, with the declaration of the State of Israel, Issachar was called to the flag, and in April 1948 he fought conscientiously with his fellow brothers, both in the north and in the south. He was among the liberators of Eilat. After the war he set up a family nest and lived his life among friends and friends who loved him. He was devoted and loyal to them, a man of great manners and manners. With the outbreak of the Sinai Campaign, he was again called to the flag to defend his country and was in the front row of the armored corps on the southern front; He was among the flag-bearers in Sharm el-Sheikh. In 1967, when the people of Israel initiated the war of annihilation against Israel, Issachar was called upon to fulfill the tasks imposed on him by his commanders, and on the 28th of Iyar 5727 (28.5.1967) he suffered a Lev attack and died. – The military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul – a wife, a daughter and a son

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