Trigger, Yoram

Trigger, Yoram

Son of Shlomo and Leah, one of the founders of Kibbutz Netzach in Tiberias, who united with Kibbutz Kfar Giladi; The parents have been members of the kibbutz ever since. He was born on 9 September 1937 in Kfar Giladi, where he completed his studies there and was drafted into the IDF in February 1955 for the paratroopers. In one of his parachutes, he broke his leg and could no longer continue as a parachutist, but he refused to leave his unit, and during his recovery he underwent a training course and served in his unit in this position. He participated with his comrades in combat operations and excelled in courage. He was loved by his friends and they put their full confidence in him. On the 16th of Elul 5716 (August 16, 1956), he fell in battle near Ein Radian. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Kfar Giladi cemetery. The leaflet “On the Hill”, dated 9 Tishrei 5717, published by Kfar Giladi-Tel Hai, is dedicated to his memory, and is located in the village of Giladi, .

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