Trigger, Robert (Zalman-Wolf)

Trigger, Robert (Zalman-Wolf)

Son of-Moshe Tzvi (Francis) and Shreene. Was born on December 6, 1946 in the city of Orde, Romania, where he completed a public school and a vocational school in the electricity sector. In Romania he was a member of a sports organization and was involved in wrestling and soccer. He had a rich library with an important place for books about the Land of Israel and everything in it. He also collected stamps and records and played the accordion. He left behind his rich library and collection of stamps and records, and in 1966 immigrated to Israel. Robert did not want to take advantage of his right as a new immigrant to postpone his enlistment and decided to volunteer immediately for the IDF, and enlisted in the IDF at the end of November 1966. At first he volunteered to serve in the Nahal paramilitary brigade, but after training he saw that he did not find himself in this unit. After completing his regular service, he joined the regular army and moved to the Ordnance Corps, where he worked in the Armored Corps workshop to improve Working conditions and efficiency, he also completed his course in Hebrew and successfully completed a course of symbols on the 11th of Av 5733 (9.8). 1973), Sergeant Robert was killed while serving in the cemetery in Ashdod, leaving a wife and child in a letter of condolence to the family: “Robert has fulfilled his duties, demonstrated dedication and dedication to work. In the unit, and even more so to the morale of the soldiers and their formation. With his many talents, he contributed to improvements and efficiency in his work. Was involved in all the events of the unit and was very fond of his soldiers and commanders alike. “

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