Tor, Haggai

Tor, Haggai

Hagai, son of Roza and Haim, was born on 14.11.1951 in Kibbutz Reshefim, and studied at the Gilboa Institute in Beit Alpha. Hagai was an outstanding student and the teachers asked him to ‘bump’ him up in seventh grade, but he refused, because he did not want to break the close friendship with the students in his class. He was a very curious boy, with a great desire to broaden his horizons, was interested in various fields and was present in various events that took place in Israel and abroad. However, he was an avid sports enthusiast, mainly a volleyball player and a member of the national team in the national league. In the ninth year he taught youth in the town of Beit Shean. Hagai was very kind and friendly and could share his friends’ problems honestly and with genuine concern. He was frank and used to say whatever was on his heart, even if things were liable to cause him discomfort. He was honest, devoted and industrious, handsome and demanding. In difficult situations he was able to maintain coolness, resourcefulness and initiative. More than anything else, he was much involved in human relations, invested great thought in the relationship between people and asked for ways to improve it. All his life he was a faithful son and devoted to his parents, respected and respected them and cared for their well-being and well-being. Hagai was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early November 1970 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he was trained in the Patton tank course and the commanders of the Patton tanks. He was very knowledgeable, efficient and popular. He was awarded the “Operational Service Award.” In the battle that took place on the 17th of Tishrei 5734 (13.10.1973) in front of the Chinese Farm, on the ridge of the “TV” outpost, his unit was able to destroy many enemy tanks and cause heavy losses, and a missile hit Hagai’s tank and he was killed on the spot. He was awarded the “Medal of Honor” for his bravery in battle.

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