Toledano, Yehuda

Toledano, Yehuda

Yehuda, son of Hannah and Massoud, was born in Morocco on April 10, 1940, immigrated to Israel in 1948 and completed his studies at the elementary school in Moshav Rinatia, where he was an avid sports enthusiast who played soccer and basketball, Yehuda was drafted into the IDF in mid-August 1958 and served in various positions in the Supply Corps. He also served in combat units and was in charge of transporting supplies to field units. He was a disciplined and committed soldier and faithfully fulfilled all the duties he was assigned. After leaving regular service, Yehuda worked for a while as a prison guard in the Israel Prison Service and reached the rank of sergeant. Afterward he returned to his profession – the frames. He read a lot and loved to tell stories, especially to children. At every moment of leisure he read himself or told stories to his brothers and sisters, or to his three sons or other children. He was a cheerful, life-loving, happy, sociable, serious man in his approach to life. Yehuda was the focus and center of all social activities and many sought his closeness and turned to him for advice and help. He could be trusted to help anyone in need. He was an exemplary family man, a loyal husband and devoted father to his three children. At every available hour, day and night, on weekdays and festivals, he used to play with his children and delight them in his stories, which he told with great skill. During the Yom Kippur War, Yehuda served as a reservist with his supply unit on the Sinai front. He was one of those who worked hard and did day and night so that the IDF’s combat forces would receive their food rations, water and equipment in time and regularly, despite the difficult conditions in the war and despite the heavy shelling and traffic on roads and traffic arteries. On his way to a vacation, he was injured in a car accident and died at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem on 20 November 1973. He was laid to rest in the Petach Tikva cemetery, leaving behind a wife and three sons.

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