Tohar, Uri

Tohar, Uri

Son of Binyamin and Chava. He was born on 25 December 1940 in Haifa. He completed his studies at the Reali School there. He belonged to the Scouts movement. He loved sports and music. He was kind and willing to help others. His spirit was always good for him and a smile of laughter floated over his lips. Being conscientious and responsible, he did everything with his whole soul. Because of these virtues he was loved by people in general and by his friends in particular. He was drafted into the IDF in September 1958 and served in the Nahal Brigade. For the last fourteen months, he sat on Kibbutz Hatzerim in the Negev. On the 10th of Shvat 5720 (10.2.1960) he died and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. A library in his name was established at the school where his father worked.

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