Toby, Shlomo (“Momo”)

Toby, Shlomo (“Momo”)

Son of Ezra and Naomi. He was born on January 22, 1939 in In which he realized that, in the very last period of his life, every aspiration in life had no value without effort, he stressed the need to exploit all forces and did not believe that something could be done without risk and self-initiative. Wrote: “Your world, the world expects that you will be in a storm – hoist the flag of your personality and establish a dwelling “He was, therefore, eager to advance and achieve much in this world – and mainly to buy Torah and knowledge, and even dreamed of traveling abroad with all that the difficulties of this fell on the 11th of Adar 5762 ) In the performance of his duties and was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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