Titov, Alexey

Titov, Alexey

Ben Tatiana and Vladimir. Born on 13.4.1979 in Kazakhstan, brother to Anastasia. Alexei attended elementary and high school in Kazakhstan, and after high school he began attending college. From an early age, Alexei loved traveling. He was a member of a traveling club in Kazakhstan, and after many trips he studied and became a guide who led groups for trips to Israel. In 1998, Alexei stopped his studies and immigrated to Israel alone as part of the ‘Dream’ program. He lived in Be’er Sheva and studied there. Six months later his mother and sister immigrated to Israel. Alexei moved in with them in Rishon Letzion, and began to work and help support the family, waiting for the army. Alexei was a pleasant young man, always smiling and surrounded by friends. Everywhere he went, he had many friends who liked to come to his house and spend time with him. He loved music and dancing very much, and in Kazakhstan he was DJ. Known to have been invited to the discotheques, to organize weddings and parties, and so on. In May 2000, Alexei enlisted in the IDF, took a driving course and served as an IAF driver in the Mitzpeh Ramon area, and soon became part of the unit, as his commander, Lt. Col. Zvika, says: “Alexei stood out with the optimism that prevailed around him and his great contribution to the excellent and exceptional atmosphere in the department And at the same time he worked and was willing to contribute and help his friends at all times. ” During his service he was promoted to corporal On August 22, 2001, Alexei fell while serving in a traffic accident on the Mitzpeh Ramon-Be’er Sheva road. He was twenty-two years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery. Survived by his parents and sister.

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