Tito, Liraz (Raz)

Tito, Liraz (Raz)

Son of Rivka and Rafael, was born on February 22, 1978 in Petah Tikva, the eldest brother of Shlomi and Barak. Liraz spent his early years traveling with his parents throughout the country. Liraz studied at the Oranim elementary school and later in the junior high school and at the Brenner High School in economics and entrepreneurship, where he acquired most of his friends. His first love was Judo. Liraz has participated in many competitions and has won great achievements. At the same time judo, Liraz played piano at the municipal conservatory for eight years and participated in many concerts and won praise. Even on his return, dusty and tired from the army, he sat and ported his pleasure on the piano. Liraz joined the IDF in July 1996. He was assigned to combat engineering and was proud of this and aspired to succeed and to fulfill his duties impeccably, and the commanders’ eyes did not skip him and they advanced him in accordance with his skills. And then went to an officer’s course. The track was hard and exhausting, and sometimes frustrating, but Liraz had a strong sense of humor and did not break easily but wrapped every difficulty in the joke and told the parents that everything was fine. Liraz refused to be released from the service in Lebanon and Lebanon, despite family reasons and his parents’ pleas and pleas, and Liraz separated the army from the home and during vacations from the army the house was filled with friends and the phone never stopped ringing. His brother, the grandparents, received special treatment, warmth, love and admiration: In his brief life, Liraz did a lot: flying abroad, completing a skydiving course and buying a jeep. Liraz Titu fell in battle in Lebanon on February 23, 1999, a day after he was twenty-one years old. On the same day, soldiers of the paratroopers’ unit, with two engineering officers, one of them Liraz, set out to initiate a short-range operation. Liraz was hit by the first fire, with Major Eitan Balachsan and Lieutenant David Granit, who later died of his injuries, died before calling other soldiers and ordering the evacuation of the wounded . The terrorists succeeded in escaping and the evacuation of the force in the Saar and Apache helicopters took many hours. Liraz was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Petah Tikva. Survived by his parents and two brothers. In memory of Liraz, a website was established at www.liraz-tito.org. The site tells the story of his life, the story of the battle he was killed in, and things that were made and written to remember him. From a poem written by Zvia Sherman and composed by Yair Sadeh to Liraz’s memory: “I hold a picture of you in my hand, my child, watching and imagining you sitting here next to me / childhood and youth enveloping my memories / here are your lips touching my face. You are used to living with a son who has disappeared / My life must have been intertwined with you / Revealed to me, how will I live again / Liraz, Liraz / Everything is different since then / Nothing will be the same again. My only firstborn … “In the song” Quiet, Quiet, “Mary writes:” He was born and died / quiet, quiet / now he rests and relax / from the same surprise / between a thicket of thorns / and cold stones / He left us stunned / And also // Where are you there / keep some hidden secret / along with two other angels / three of you together, the officers / the most courageous, the most paratroopers / marched in the head / without any reason to fear / and left us here Down / Orphans .// The heart is broken and the eye constantly tears / And whereI want to go / I do not know // Look for something else / Remind me of you / Your giggle / The hole / The silence / The silence / That so characterized you / Especially now / After your death / He was born and he died / “On the first anniversary of his downfall, an emotional memorial evening was held at the Beit Yad Labanim in Petach Tikvah, attended by members of Liraz and the Oranit group, whose members composed a song to remember it, which was played immediately upon entering the site. Liraz’s greatest love was the jeep, and when he arrived on leave from the army he would climb over the jeep and “grove,” whether for friends or for the beach in Tel Aviv, where he would try the jeep’s ability to move on On July 24, 1999, Liraz’s father held a jeep tour to remember him in Canada Park, and the rally included a three-pronged tour: Professionals, General and Families At the end of the rally a ceremony was held for the distribution of trophies and certificates to the winners: Liraz nothing in the world could be returned, and now all that remains is the memories, the memories of Liraz, and the things he loved so much to do. The rally is a kind of way of comfort to get to it and do things in its place. “The rally was sponsored by commercial companies and the sports channel screened a film about the journey.

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