Tirosh, Yuval

Tirosh, Yuval

Son of Hagit and Avinoam. He was born on August 23, 1984 in Givatayim. Brother to Alon and Omer. When he was about two and a half years old, the family moved to Raanana, where Yuval grew up and was educated, acquired many friends, played, created and practiced, read and studied, experienced and enjoyed. Yuval began his education at the Hadar elementary school. “He is talented in all areas (sports, music and studies), and he has a lot of friends!” Yuval’s talents, quick grasp and developed curiosity led to his success as a gifted student who, along with his regular studies, participated in the gifted enrichment program. He continued his studies in junior high school “Alon”. From the eighth grade, he studied in a program of study for outstanding mathematics students who finish 5 units in the 10th grade matriculation exams. Yuval studied at the “Mor-Metrowest” high school in the real track, and was examined in five units in physics and computers. Yuval was friendly and kind, smiling and humorous, open to the world, curious, alert and enthusiastic – “the smartest and the most talented” Miri, a member of the family, said: “Light-haired hair and brown-brown eyes and a smile with lots of white teeth – and Guma. “Music, art and sports were part of Yuval’s life, he played the clarinet, and when he stopped playing he continued to listen to songs and music on CDs and computer, and then went to the Arts Center where he enjoyed painting, And in plasticine; Yuval played basketball in the Maccabi Raanana Municipal team. “Every day in the evening he would wear sports clothes, take a ball and go out to play at the nearby basketball court.” As an athlete, he was very enthusiastic about the skiing and snowboarding in the winter. In his childhood with the family and when he grew up with his friends. Sports also included table tennis at home, long distance runs and water skiing. However, he managed to read books and eat at restaurants, where he liked to try dishes he did not know. In his life, Yuval met many people and made excellent connections. Adam was attentive, thinking, and independent in his opinions. “He never hesitated to express an opinion and to seek the logic of another opinion,” says Avinoam, his father. “To him, nothing was taken for granted.” And Omar adds, the younger brother: “He always tried to understand the world around him, and how things are going on.” . Alon notes, and Omar agrees, that Yuval used to argue about his views and positions, yet he was careful to preserve the dignity of others. Miri says, “With endless inner peace and calm, you would sit quietly and listen to everyone, waiting for your turn to speak, and you always said good things in your serious voice, which is always mixed with laughter, and then you would smile heartily. His mother says: “Yuval was bright and talented, but modest, full of joy of life, he paid attention to people, so they loved him, he was interested in every family member, and when he had to lend a hand he could be trusted to do so.” Yuval enlisted in the IDF on April 8, 2003. He began his military service in the Navy, in a naval training course, and later served in the “Yael” unit of the Yahalom unit, an engineering unit for special missions of the Engineering Corps. The combat training of the prestigious unit. The culmination of the course was the final exercise, at the end of which the new fighters arrived at Mount Naftali and passed through a special gate, a symbol of their entry into the unit. In the presence of a chief combat engineering officer, the commanders, the fighters and the parents, received the staff of the Eshel teamAnd Yuval’s – the warrior pins and insignia insignia. “The arrival at the ceremony was truly wonderful,” Yuval wrote to his brother Alon, who was touring South America at the time. We could not expect a warmer welcome from the fighters, and from the entire unit (not to mention the parents and friends). “” He served in Yael for a year and a half and was happy, “says Yuval’s mother. He loved the difficult tasks and his teammates, and felt that he was exhausting his military service. “Yuval was enjoying his service, but his eyes were already forward, for the period following his release:” In one of our last conversations Yuval told me he was already Waiting for citizenship. That he is waiting for a practical and creative life. Yuval’s life journey ended tragically on May 3, 2005, only a week after he was ordained as a “Yael” scout and became a regular combat soldier in the Yahalam unit. That night, he and his fellow fighters went to celebrate the end of the route, and in accordance with the tradition of the unit, held a drinking party in the “Kadima” forest in the Sharon region. No one expected the terrible ending of the party – and Yuval’s death after suffering from alcohol poisoning. There was no doctor or medic at the party’s site, and no one noticed that the soldiers would refrain from drinking too much. The amount of alcohol in Yuval’s body left him no chance. The Magen David Adom crew that was summoned to the scene had no choice but to determine his death. “Yuval did not know that drinking too much alcohol could cause systems to collapse and death,” the mother states. “And I hope that the young people will learn from the tragic death of Yuval and know that there is a danger called ‘alcohol poisoning.’ Yuval, not yet twenty-one years old, was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Ra’anana. The gravestone states that his death was “in the course of his duty”. Survived by his parents and two brothers. On his grave, Tal, his cousin, eulogized him: “What is the point of eulogies?” All the eulogies sound similar, full of clichés, popping out on the emotional and painful lines, and all of them are dying of martyrdom ahead of time. The size of the missed opportunity, the weight of the loss, and the weight of the loss, and those who got to know you do not need a verbal description and a reminder of who you were and you have ceased to be … I loved you, everyone loved you … How could we not? In mathematics at the university, and he had a rare combination of brilliant mind and heartiness, a charming smile and a good heart, but what was the point – all the words in the world – the end of who you were … Of us will not grow again, and the space within us will never be filled. “From now on we will be the Amputated family, and with the phantom pain we are just beginning to get to know each other.” Eliran, his friend from the “Yael” team, eulogized him: “Yuval, or UV as a person calls you, or a thread, as Danny and Alon called you … I am here on behalf of the team to say goodbye to some of us. We are looking forward to seeing you with some new conclusion you reached on Saturday, to hear your exaggerated laughter … We sweated together, we bled together, crawled together, dragged together and each other … You did not pretend or looked for anything beyond what exists, We were talking about death, you cheerfully referred to the tyranny of the dead, and in your case there is no joy, we admire you. ” In his letter of consolation to the bereaved family, the chief of staff, Lieutenant General Dan Halutz, wrote: “… Yuval’s commanders say that he was an excellent and clever fighter who showed a high level of athleticism. Yuval was an opinionated and wise man whose joy of life was so characteristic of him. “Every year, on Memorial Day for IDF Fallen Soldiers,A memorial service for the Metrowest High School. On Yom Hazikaron, 2006, Omer, his younger brother, spoke to 10th graders: “… Yuval was killed almost a year ago at the end of the course of his unit, the Yael Patrol, in the Kadima Forest. The cause of death was alcohol poisoning – which means excess alcohol in the blood. If Yuval had known that there was such a phenomenon-that it was possible to die of drinking, he certainly would not drink in a quantity that was even close to risk, but like most of us-he did not know. And here I want to expose you to the phenomenon of alcohol poisoning, in the hope of making the Jubilee case remain as rare as it is. And Yuval was not an alcoholic or drinking excessively, but as healthy as any of you. But at the party where the graduates of the unit participated in the new fighters in quantities of alcohol, in a manner that was prevalent in the army until then, and it overwhelmed him. So if you go out drinking soon, or when you are in the army, or when you are adults, please remember Yuval’s case, and remember that it is not good to exaggerate anything, and excessive alcohol can be dangerous. And if you can add another moral here – this is Yuval’s way of seeing the world – do not take anything for granted – delve into what is going on around you, think about why you do everything you do – and research the world. “On that day, “Itai’s List:” In June 2005 he died at the end of my beloved friend, Sergeant Yuval Tirosh, as a result of critical tactics. From that moment on, I understood that I had not known pain or loss until that damn day. Until it hits you you do not understand what it is. And it hit in the most direct way possible. From that moment joy is not joy, laughter is not laughter and life is not life. We try to move on but we know that someone is missing. Most of us are already free and we have started our citizenship life, but we know that we have left someone behind and he will not come back. Today, when they give their name to Yad Labanim at the ceremony, I will feel a blow in my heart like every time I hear the name Yuval … “And another article from Miri:” … how did you love to live, Yuval, love life and big, , Even when it is difficult. You loved to eat, and to drink, and to drive, and to laugh, and to do everything with pleasure and pleasure. Even in the army, in times when you were less pleasant and more difficult, the smile did not fade from your face. And your big eyes always sparkled and laughed. Yuval, you were as close to perfect as I know. And there was nothing in you that I did not like. Or none of us liked. And you must still be perfect. “At the memorial ceremony for Yuval on the first anniversary of his fall, Tal, the cousin, eulogized him:” … Two weeks ago our Naomi emerged. On the last nights before my birth I wandered and thought about parenthood. … For the first time I understood why our mothers were always so worried: how would I know if it was too hot or cold? If she is hungry or is her stomach ache? And the more I grow up and be less dependent on me, the greater the worries. Why am I telling you all this? Because we have embarked on a journey in which every milestone will make Naomi more independent and individual in its own right. Slowly she will detach herself from me – this is the nature of things and this is the way of the world. Every parent wishes to raise a child who becomes a whole world, even though it involves a sense of loss. You must understand where I’m going – you’ve got too far away from us and in a moment you’ve been cut off from us for good. We did not accept the loss. In Eliran’s eulogy, Yale said: “… It was a year, a year when I grew up to be your age. Last year we got very fast, maybe too fast. Things that seemed distant to you now, little worries that would start to bother you, the liberation, after liberation, the fact that all your guys from home startTo learn, things you thought about then, on the track. I’d like to hear your plan now, how far you would go. Sure it would include closing the little corner of a living and education in the next five years, then living everything else properly. … I have many questions, each of which I would like to ask you, or at least get your response. … You would tell me that I was wasting my time, but I still knew that you would eventually bother to formulate a satisfactory answer for me (at least you). “There are things I still learn from you.” Yair read what they wrote together, Alon and Lior and himself, all of Yuval’s good friends from school: “Tirosh, it’s hard for us to express ourselves, what we say will never describe everything we feel. … go with your accusing finger forward, no matter where and to whom, the army, the guys who were there, to us – to you. You still exist … You’ll always be twenty, we’re not. You’ll always be a soldier, we’re not. “Yuval is not, but he will always be with us.” Omar’s words: “… Today, all I have left of my life is the constant attempts to prevent his memories from dissolving, to connect him to what is happening to me, to tell people about him – To be part of my life, and to enjoy the fact that when I look at myself in the mirror, I can see his face smiling a little at me. “The tragedy that occurred at the end of the track of the” Yael “reconnaissance unit aroused wide reactions in the public and in the media. In the “Bamahane” newspaper, a large article was published entitled “The Other Journey Yuval Tirosh, “and documented the final exercise of Yuval, following the disaster, the practice of drinking parties in the Yahalom unit was stopped, and at the order of the chief of staff, the Eshel team was dismantled and a series of unprecedented disciplinary steps were taken against each chain The commander of the unit was dismissed, the commander of the “Yael” Brigade completed his position, the commander of the unit received a command note from the Ground Forces commander, the commander of the training division, and the commander of the combat team. The dangers of alcohol consumption, and to define severe punishment and enforcement measures against anyone who deviates from the expected norms.

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