Thabet, Mohammed

Thabet, Mohammed

Son of Salman and Zelekha. He was born in 1950 and studied at the elementary school in the Druze village of Yirka and at the high school (human studies) in Kfar Yassif. He was thirsty and read a lot. He was drafted into the IDF on May 20, 1969, after completing three months of training at the University of Haifa, and successfully completed a course for commanders, but on July 22, 1971, he fell during his service. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Kfar Yirka. His commander wrote to his family in a condolence letter: “I knew him from the beginning of his steps in the IDF during basic training. Despite the arduous training, served as a positive example for soldiers and even commanders. After his graduation, he returned to his unit and his men, leading to difficult tasks that required a lot of effort during the day and night, his personal charm and his ability, his coolness and his exemplary behavior, which earned him the trust of his subordinates and the appreciation of his commanders. Even in the most difficult moments – which makes me love this guy – – Dear family, please accept my participation and the participation of your brother in arms in your deep sorrow. ” His name was immortalized in the construction of a football field in his village. The money was donated by his father, at Muhammad’s request in his lifetime.

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