Tevach, Avraham

Tevach, Avraham

Avraham, son of Regina and Mordechai Tevach, was born on February 15, 1925, in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. At the age of 18 he completed the French college and continued his Zionist activity. During the Nazi occupation, he held meetings and succeeded in preserving the flame of yearning for aliyah. Avraham arrived on the shores Palestine on October 10, 1944, was interned in the Atlit camp, and then settled in Haifa and began studying at the Hebrew Technion. On the day of his enlistment he was close to obtaining an engineering degree. Avraham made great efforts to bring his family to Israel, but his father had passed away and when his mother arrived in Israel she managed to meet three times with her eldest son. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, Avraham enlisted and participated in the battle for Jerusalem and Latrun and attained the rank of sergeant. He was then transferred to the Negev. On the 3rd of Tevet, February 4, 1949, during Operation Horev, when he was with his commander on a patrol south of Rafah, their vehicle ran over a landmine and Avraham was killed. The next day he was buried in Halutza. On the 23rd of Tammuz 5709 (July 20, 1949), he was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak.

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