Tenenbaum, Israel (Miko)

Tenenbaum, Israel (Miko)

Son of Henia and Mordechai, was born on February 4, 1925, in Haifa, where he received his high school education, and also called the youth movement that brought him to a pioneering life, and in 1943 he joined the Palmach. In the summer of that year, he completed his first course in aviation. After completing his regular training at Tel Yosef, he was transferred to the special Palmach unit in Mishmar Ha’emek, where he completed his studies in Betis and received a flight license. Was known in the Palmach as “Abramico,” because of a certain comic character who would present him in different situations to his friends at gatherings and parties. His dream was to become an engineer and to travel abroad to study. With the outbreak of the War of Independence, he was immediately enlisted and participated in the battles for the liberation of Haifa and later in the Palmach’s Negev Brigade, and when the Air Force was established, he was called upon to join him in Tel Aviv. Was killed on April 26, 1948, at Kibbutz Sde Dov in Tel Aviv, when a plane crashed while loading bombs and was brought to rest in the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery. Nuffalo was promoted to the rank of superintendent (lieutenant).

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