Tene (Cohen), Amos

Tene (Cohen), Amos

Amos, son of Margalit and Zvi, was born on July 6, 1953 in Rehovot and grew up in Kibbutz Karmia. His parents emigrated from Tunisia in 1951 as part of a pioneering youth movement and settled in Kibbutz Karmia, which settled in 1950. In 1956 his parents divorced and when Amos was six years old he left the kibbutz with his father and began to study at the HN Bialik elementary school in Holon. The Foreign Ministry was sent to Turkey in the service of his ministry, and Amos went with him and continued his studies at the French School for Diplomatic Children in Ankara, where he returned to Israel and studied at the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem. His father and stepmother Ruth, who cared for him with dedication and love, but had a deep connection with A. He was very fond of seeing films, but did not rush to any film, he knew how to choose and evaluate films, directors and actors, because he was sensitive to the creative and artistic virtues of the film. The director, analyzing them and arguing about his views on cinema, quickly felt that he could express his feelings through the seventh dimension, and at first he filmed short films in which he described life in Turkey, where he lived when he was fourteen. Then he devoted his films to the life of the country and especially to the life of Jerusalem. Gradually he discovered that he could express more “processed” things through the films, such as deeper views and feelings. He made a video about the “pace” that characterizes the modern world; The rate of a car wheel, the pace of a dancer’s foot, the pace of electric poles on a road, the rate of traffic lights and more. At the end of that film he expressed the feeling that the end of the butcher is the end of life and symbolized by a grave. He also managed to make another short film about the continuity of life, despite the destruction and sabotage. This idea was expressed by symbolic waves of the sea trying to gradually blur a face painted in the sand, but the face continues to smile. Unfortunately, Amos did not manage to finish these films. At the age of eighteen, he also devoted time and thought to writing a screenplay, but even that was not enough to finish. Everyone who knew him also remembers Amos’s enthusiasm for music and guitar playing. For many hours he played pop music and classical music, and found both vent and expression through the guitar. With a number of friends he established a successful band that won the Katsav Dance Festival at the Independence Day Festival in 1971. After completing his studies at the Gymnasium, he traveled to Europe and spent several months in France with his mother. He returned to Israel full of impressions and decided to engage in directing films after his service in the IDF Amos was drafted into the IDF in November 1971 and assigned to the Armored Corps. After completing his studies at the Armored Corps course in a tank training course and in a course for tank commanders, he was sent to an armored unit in the south of the country. During his service he continued to engage in his hobbies as long as he left his military role, and devoted much energy and love to the cinema and songwriting. In his last letter, he wrote to his sister and his mother: “I am thinking more and more seriously about what I will do after the army … I am attracted to this, but in fact I am attracted to music and want to combine these two things together “In his last letter, in September 1973, he wrote:” Mom, I decided to study film, but instead of going first to Paris and studying there, I will start studying at Tel Aviv University, I will go to Paris … “During the Yom Kippur War, Amos participated in the fightingAgainst the Egyptians in Sinai. On the 7th of Tishrei 5740 (7.10.1973) he fell in battle and was brought to eternal rest in the military section of the Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents and two sisters. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “Your son fell in battle in the central sector of the Suez Canal, and served in an armored unit as a tank commander in a company sent to repel the enemy forces crossing the Suez Canal. Lev and recognition of the mission he filled. ” His mother, encouraged by his father, established with his friends from Israel and France a young film club in his memory at the Kiryat Yovel Community Center in Jerusalem. This plant was established to symbolize Amos’s life plan.

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