Teler, Haim

Teler, Haim

Son of Bella and Yeruham-Fishel was born on January 20, 1929 in the city of Ternopol, Poland, and immigrated to Israel with his parents in 1935. During the riots in 1939, his father was murdered on his way to work in the lower city of Haifa, And when he was 16, he joined the Haganah, and after he finished elementary school he had to help his mother to earn a living by working at the electricity company’s office in Haifa. In order to expand his education he continued to study in evening classes, and thanks to his diligence, he passed the matriculation exams after a short period of study. Haim wanted to continue his studies, but in the meantime, the War of Independence broke out, he enlisted and was sent to a wireless course, served in the Golani Brigade, took part in combat operations in the Lower Galilee and the Valley, and was among the conquerors of Beit She’an. On may 6, 1948, the Golani force raided the village of Arab al-Zabah near Beit Keshet, took control of it and blew up some of its houses. He fell, playing a wireless function. He was laid to rest in the cemetery at Beit Keshet.

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