Teichman, Chaim-Alter

Teichman, Chaim-Alter

Chaim-Alter, the only son of Eidel and Shlomo Zalman, a Holocaust survivor, was born on October 20, 1946, in the Czech Republic, and immigrated with his family to Israel in 1949. He studied at the Etzion elementary school and the Maalot elementary school in Bnei Brak, and later continued his studies at the “Noam” school in Pardes Hanna. Haim-Alter was a very diligent student, excelled in his studies and his grades were among the highest in the class. He had a number of hobbies: he was a member of the Bnei Akiva movement, he had a collection of coins and stamps, and he traveled extensively and photographed the sights and landscapes he had visited on his walks. Chaim Alter was a “Ben Torah” who embodied the love of Israel and the love of the land. He set a time for Torah study and Talmud study. He was a pleasant man and knew how to make conversation. He was intelligent and fast-paced and examined everything with a thought. He was friendly and it was easy for him to make friends, hospitable and nice to everyone. He was always careful to keep up the evil ties that really connected and interested his friends. He was smiling and cheerful, and he loved to be happy. He never hesitated to say criticism even if it was difficult. He was always simple in his ways, not picky and pleased with his lot. Haim-Alter was drafted into the IDF in early November 1964. He refused to take advantage of the fact that he was an only child and released from combat service, and he went on to study in the course for combat medics in a letter he sent to his parents at the time: “I am just happy, “After completing the course, he was assigned as a medic in an artillery battalion, and his commander wrote:” He was a responsible soldier who had initiated his work, fulfilled his role as a model and loved his commanders. ” In the reserves he was awarded the “Six Day War.” After the Six Day War he asked to study at UNEV He graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at the Medical School, but was unable to do so, and a year later, he began his chemistry studies at Bar-Ilan University, where he became a teacher in the agricultural school with honesty, chemistry and mathematics. He was a good and devoted son to his parents, a loyal husband to his wife and a father who loved his daughter, and when the Yom Kippur War broke out Haim – Alter was sent with his unit to the front in Sinai. On the first day of Sukkot, on the 11th of Tishrei 5734 (October 11, 1973), he fell in battle on the “Mars” axis. He had volunteered to leave as a paramedic with the ammunition caches towards tanks whose ammunition had run out, and enemy planes that had passed over the regimental workshop dropped their bombs, and Haim Alter was killed on the spot and was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery, Father, and mother, was promoted to the rank of sergeant, In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Sgt. Chaim was a paramedic in an armored unit, an outstanding soldier and an exemplary fighter, and took care of his injured comrades during the fighting. He was fond of his commanders and friends and his fall was a heavy loss to our unit. “His parents donated a Torah scroll to the Midrashet Noam School at Bar-Ilan University.

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