Tavi, Raz

Tavi, Raz

The eldest son of Jordana and Nachshon. He was born on the 19th of Tammuz 5735 (19.6.1975) at the Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot: “Your picture through the maternity hospital hovers before my face,” recalls his father, “a cute little boy who just two hours ago went into the world, “His name was received by his grandfather, Ezra, the father of his mother, who died at a relatively young age, and who embodied noble values ​​in his personality as aiding others.” Raz, “says Yardena,” is a very special name Which means a secret, “and tells about a very comfortable baby -” as in books: sleep, food. Not a crybaby, not a screamer, not a doer. “Raz grew up, grew up, Raz,” his father writes, “and you were a cute little boy, pleasant and comfortable, with an angelic smile always on his face.” Raz was wrapped in love and received an endless investment On the part of his parents – he was loved by everyone – by the teachers and the neighbors, by the extended family and by all the friends, and developed with Hadar, the neighbor’s daughter who was his age, and still an only child. Raz began his studies at the experimental Yadlin elementary school, which ends at Ben-Gurion Junior High School, and graduated from Amit Amit High School. In the 11th grade, Raz won a scholarship for excellence from Avigdor Kahalani, chairman of Amit Amal, for his high achievements. Physical and athletic activity has been at the center of Raz’s life since he was a very young child. His parents, who took note of this tendency, gave him the full support and investment, and the athletic education that he was given to his achievements and successes. “At the age of four, a young man who learns to swim with enthusiasm and persistence, so it’s no wonder that at the age of seven you register for Hapoel and achieve high achievements, and your parents danced around you to fulfill all your wishes.” Indeed, at the age of four and a half, Raz had practiced gymnastics and learned to swim; At the end of second grade he began to swim in a competitive swimming pool and was accepted to the swimming team of Hapoel Rishon. He has participated in many competitions, and his winnings – usually in the second or third places – show the medals that remain on the shelves in the memorial cupboard. Raz liked the water and the sea, and later on, he began to practice surfing. Fifteen years old, he turned the living room balcony into his own gym, and each time he increased the mass of weights, trying to cross another difficulty threshold and climb to the next level. At the age of seventeen, Raz was the champion of the country by shaking hands. His body was sturdy, full of great muscles, and his mind-a healthy mind in a healthy body. Apart from sports, Roz had more hobbies. Raz was gifted with gold, a talent for painting, intelligence and ability to think and analyze moves. As a child, he participated in a painting and chess class, and liked to work in handicrafts and creations; He also liked cooking, and at every opportunity he went fishing. When the computer came home, Raz took it easy, studied Razio, loved drawing with it, and taught his father how to use it. When his sisters Maya and Dana were born, Raz received them with great love and helped his mother to deal with them and employ them. Raz saw the special importance of his sisters’ education, made sure that she would learn well, and instilled in them gratitude to the parents. “Raz was everything for us,” Dana said. “He was a father and a mother, a brother and a friend, he made us food, took us to kindergarten and to school, he made the best pasta there was.” And Maya adds: “He would take care of everything, make sure we did our homework, make sure we drank water on a hot day, and to encourage it, he would give us a competition who would finish drinking the water …What, in the way of acting. “Once,” says Dana, “when I was not well at school, he came to take me. Suddenly we saw an old man about to cross the street. He walked over to him, took his hand, and slowly and patiently passed the road. It was exciting, and proved his kindness and concern for others. He was perfect, “Maya concludes.” I want a child like that. He was humble, modest, shy, a real good boy. “In light of his accomplishments and successes, Raz was very modest and humble, surrounded by friends who loved, valued and respected him, and he also restored their respect and love. In the fourth grade, Ofir and his parents went abroad. Raz missed him very much, and every summer, when Ophir came home for vacation, the two would not separate from each other, filling in the gaps. Before the registration for junior high school, Raz undertook to complete all the registration arrangements, and made sure that Ofir and he would study in one class. Raz was a great patriot, believed in the need to contribute and defend the state, and aspired to serve as a fighter in the “fleet.” “The years pass by,” his father writes. “And here you are, a boy of sixteen, a sturdy and charming boy who runs a daily run of dozens of kilometers a day, because even then you knew that you were going to serve in an elite elite unit Our young and beloved country between Ofra is buried. “Indeed, Raz succeeded in consolidating the elite unit” Shayetet 13 “- the Naval Commando, and upon his conscription, on April 4, 1994, began the difficult training course. , And along the way Raz showed determination, physical strength along with mental strength, comradeship and comradeship. His classmates likened him to Zvi, thanks to his special walk with his head raised, and testified to the support he gave in moments of crisis. His father described Raz’s noble behavior. In a 80 km campaign that is a condition for acceptance to the naval commando unit – “pushes the fighter in front of him with difficulty and two others holding the rope and towing …” Raz was a sensitive person who was aware of the feelings of others.In group conversations and military investigations conducted after training, Once, after a mishap occurred in one of the dive training, Raz was chosen by his commander to reconstruct the exercise, together with the commander of the naval commando unit, when he was asked by the commander of the naval commando, “Who He will lead the reconstruction, Raz replied I am the commander and you are behind me. Raz was highly respected by the naval commando commander for his impeccable performance. After the fall of Raz, the commander of the naval commando unit visited his father every week on a Saturday evening. And on one of his visits he talked about the event. In his military service, Raz served as a magistrate and a half-track driver, and he was very proud of his service in the “Shayetet” and his family was very proud, but he never boasted of being part of a “commando.” On the contrary, He would refuse to give his white uniform to the members, he would refuse with all his might and say that during his freedom he was also free from the uniform, and even now, during his service in the army, Raz continued to show concern and caring about his sisters. In the spring of 1997, Raz began his career in the career army, his future looks promising, and in the summer, after the expected action In Lebanon, was supposed to leave with a military delegation to the US Army – but did not win First Sergeant Razavi was killed in a battle in Lebanon on Tuesday, September 5, 1997, together with eleven of his friends, . During the invasion of Lebanon,He encountered multiple obstacles when the fighters arrived near the target, where they were supposed to cross the road, and exploded a “Kalimgor” explosive device operated by Hezbollah.In an investigation conducted by Gadi Sukenik on Channel 10, he interviewed Mr. Shaike Brosh, a former intelligence officer, The tragedy was caused by the charges that were carried by the force, and not by an intelligence failure (Raz’s father accepts the report) The explosive devices exploded near the force and led to the fall of Raz and other fighters. At the dawn of the war, the harsh picture was revealed: Eleven fighters fell with Raz: Lt. Col. Yossi Major Sergeant Yohanan Hilberg, First Sergeant Guy Golan, First Sergeant Gal Rudovsky and Sergeant – First Sergeant Itamar Ilya, one of the force’s fighters, was declared missing that night, and was laid to rest in Israel in June 1998. Raz, twenty-two years old, was laid to rest in the Rishon Letzion military cemetery, leaving parents and two sisters. Eli Glickman, the unit commander: “You were invincible – the strongest, the safest, the most optimistic, the most professional. Is conducted around the base with the unique tranquility of those who have no power in the world that can harm it … “In preparation for Memorial Day, the father wrote:” … About a week before the disaster, I spoke to Raz Benny about the painful issue of death. On my shoulders and with great confidence, with a smile that so characterized him, he said, ‘Dad, do not worry about me, I’m not going to die. Raz was very proud of his service in one of the elite units in the IDF. He believed that despite all the dangers on the way he was safe there, and that the long route had trained him and his friends to get out of the most difficult situations. … My connection with Raz was far beyond any notion of a father-son relationship. From the age of fourteen, we had a mutual bond of support, in moments of weakness and helplessness, I had the strength to support and support. His great help in educating his sisters gave me hope for a better life. In addition to white I had a friend – the closest friend. “On the 11th anniversary of the flotilla disaster, at the initiative of Raz’s father, the Rishon LeZion municipality erected a monument in memory of the 12 fallen soldiers on the promenade on the beach, where the promenade was converted to” Shayetet 13. “The monument, planned and designed Of the artist Ra’anan Caspin, includes a dozen steel columns representing each of the fighters who fell, and the monument rises to a height of three meters, with a star of David on top, with a blue sea glass engraved with the names of the fighters. And gives a sense of memorial candle.The unveiling ceremony of the monument was held on September 1, 2008, in the presence of ministers, “Czechs, commander of the navy and the fleet commander, bereaved families and residents of the city. During the event, the Navy held a flotilla, and the naval commando carried out the attack by means of rubber boats of the unit. A short video was also screened about the action from which the boys did not return, which was codenamed “Poplar Song”. Nachshon Tabi, Raz’s father, “On August 11, 2008 at 2:23 am Monday, I had a dream, and Raz appeared in my dream, and for a short period of time, which took several seconds, Raz entered the room, hugged me A strong and strong hug, a hug as only Raz knows how to do, and he said, ‘Dad, I’m back!’ ‘I do not believe!’ I called out to him, ‘I do not believe it!’ “You can not … you live … is that you Raz …?” “Yes, Father,” Benny Raz answers, “Yes, Father, this is Raz, your son Raz.” And again he hugs meTake me tight to him. Same Raz with that mighty and mighty body, with that broad smile, sweet-sweet smile I remembered. I hugged Raz tightly-tight to me. I did not want to let him go. Deep inside I knew that it was just a dream. For a few seconds I felt my thoughts and body filling with all the happiness in the world. I was without a shadow of a doubt-the happiest man on earth! … Eleven years less than four days have passed since the same night that twelve sailors were sent to the village of Ansaria in southern Lebanon. Twelve young men who with all modesty can and can be said honestly that there were twelve brave and brave young men, twelve devoted and loyal young men, to their country and their homeland, twelve young men from the best of the country’s youth, the salt of the earth. We, with their families, have gone through an unbearable eleven years. Eleven years of pain, of grief, of suffering, of suffering, yearning, yearning and longing for them, of agony, of question marks, of wonder and of waiting. The space left behind by our children as they left, and the awakening of it left us in our thoughts, among us, in our home, in our families, in our surroundings and in the hearts of our hearts, but growing larger and larger every day. This monument is a sign, a flag and a symbol to recognize the gratitude and prestige of a society and a state of pure sons, young sons, precious sons, sons, fighters who sacrificed their lives and sacrificed their lives for the sake of the state and for all of us. Twelve warriors are twelve solid steel columns that are planted in our land and hugged each other. Are so close to the beach and the sea they so loved. Our sons who are commemorated in the monument standing before us tell us, and remind us that they are vertebrae in a chain of heroes. A chain of courageous heroes, a continuous chain that, thanks to them and thanks to them, thanks to their families, relatives, friends and colleagues who stand here today, facing the sea. … You gave me Raz from your mighty powers and gave me tremendous inspiration from which I draw the powers that allow me to continue living my life in your image. “The twelve fallen soldiers were immortalized in other places: in front of Moshav Shavei Tzion, where the family of Ram Levinas, one of the fighters, lived, a diving site was built, and an old ship was sinking at the site, The names of the fighters: A buoy in the sea indicates the location of the memorial, and a memorial in memory of the fallen was also established near the naval commando base: “Amit Amal” High School in Rishon LeZion commemorates Raz by naming the school’s gymnasium in his name, Forever high and rising over waves and breaks of time. ‘ My dear Raz … You were a hero and as such we will remember you forever. Raz, you will always remain at the heart of your parents and sisters who refuse to be consoled, and in the heart of your society Dina remains empty space. Noah, peace be upon you, dear son, and you will be fed the clods of your soil! “In one of his books Nachshon dedicated his son Avraham Halfi’s song” First Crying “:” First we cry. / Then the weeping gets wet. / Then remember one thing: / the fall of the son. They say nothing. / Or talking about rain and what-sounds. / And something else. And something else. / And the ear you will not hear. And remain silent. And get up from the chair. And sit down. / And get up. And again. / And know one thing: / will not return. “

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