Taudursko, Ioan Florin (Tao)

Taudursko, Ioan Florin (Tao)

Ben Veronica and Victor. Born in Romania on May 15, 1967. In March 1985, he immigrated to Israel and completed his 12th grade in a high school in Aloni Yitzhak High School. Ewan was a smiling young man who had been involved in physical fitness before joining the combat unit. In the middle of February 1987, Iwan was drafted into the army and volunteered for the Givati ​​Brigade, where he began the brigade’s course with basic infantry, officers’ training, and officer training until he became commander of the Shaked Battalion. On June 30, 1989, Iwan fell while serving. In a road accident near Beit Kama he was hit and killed. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. Survived by his parents, two sisters – Carmen and Michaela, and Rezban brother. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “Four years have passed since he arrived in Israel, and so much has been done, and Iwan fought for his place in high school and his good grades in school. Did the most difficult course in the brigade until he came to be a commander in the Shaked Battalion.I remember the long chases in the Gaza alleys, the walls and the high fences that skipped over them to breakers of order, and his deep devotion to preparing his soldiers for missions … “

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