Tamir, Avraham (Moshe)

Tamir, Avraham (Moshe)

Son of Roza and Yaakov. Avraham was born in Bulgaria on the 25th of Shvat, 5623 (21.2.1933). In 1948 he immigrated to Israel with the first youth group. He was educated with the youth group at Kibbutz Lehavot Habashan. In 1951, Avraham enlisted in the IDF and served in the Nahal Brigade. He left for a communications course, and later became an radio technician and sang near Eilat. Upon his release, Avraham returned to the kibbutz. Avraham was killed during his service on July 10, 1979. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Lehavot Habashan, leaving a wife – Shula, and four children – Oved, Nurit, Smadar and Aviv.

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