Tamam, Shalom

Tamam, Shalom

Son of Tziona and Nissim, was born on 13.4.1963 in Jerusalem. Shalom grew up in his hometown. He completed elementary school and continued his high school studies at the Rene Kessen School. Afterward, Shalom moved to the ORT vocational school and to an external school where he studied for matriculation exams. Shalom’s friends noted him as a curious young man who was interested in everything around him. He was handsome, gentle, quiet and polite. He loved the nature of the country, and traveled a lot. In August 1981, Shalom enlisted in the IDF, where he underwent training in basic training, was outstanding in his physical fitness and courage, and was assigned to serve in the Golani Brigade reconnaissance unit, when peace broke out in Lebanon. ), When he toured his unit in the Ein Zahlata area, Shalom encountered a Syrian ambush, a battle ensued, Shalom was wounded and he continued to fight until he was hit again and killed, and he was laid to rest on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. In a condolence letter sent by Defense Minister Ariel Sharon to his family, Shalom said: “Shalom served in a patrol unit of the infantry. He was a great friend and a fine fighter. He loved nature, the landscape, and his comrades in arms. His friends responded to him with love. “The commander of his unit wrote in a letter of condolence to his family:” Shalom was acceptable to his friends and commanders. He did his duty impeccably, and showed resourcefulness and dedication to the mission all along. “

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