Tal, Mordechai

Tal, Mordechai

Mordechai (Moti), son of Leah and Avraham, was born on 10 August 1950 in Rehovot and completed his elementary studies at the Remez School in Tel Aviv and then completed high school at the Givat Hashlosha High School. Moti, as his friends and family called him, spent his first years in Rehovot and moved to Tel Aviv with his family, and after completing his elementary studies he decided that he did not want to live in the city. He did not like to study in particular, although he knew how to study when he wanted, but he liked work in the cowshed, his regular work on the kibbutz, and group training He was fond of dancing, and he knew how to dance well, he liked trips and camps, and every activity that required effort He was proud and self-confident, but it was not pride of arrogance, but he was always able to feel good about him, but he was careful not to hurt anyone. His self-respect guided him in his relationship with people and, as he stood up for his honor, insisted on the dignity of others. Moti was an impressive figure who attracted the hearts of the girls in his group, and he knew it. He was always dressed meticulously and his room was always tidy. His punctuality and love for order were also evident in his work and his studies. Mordechai was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early November 1968. After completing basic training he served in a tank training course and served as a tank driver for a while, continuing as a communications instructor until the end of his regular service. After his discharge from the IDF, he was called for periods of active reserve duty, and again served as a tank driver. Everyone recognized him as a diligent and quick soldier, and especially as a devoted member of his team. He performed all his duties with dedication and responsibility, and he recognized the importance of maintenance work, even after exhausting training. He excelled in cold weather in difficult situations, and although he was a disciplined soldier, he did not flinch from his superiors, and knew how to make them wrong when they were not right. After he was discharged from the IDF, he decided to travel abroad for a period of time, saving money and fulfilling his will, returning from his trip as a member of Kibbutz Urim and immediately joining the dairy. A short acquaintance, he married her and set up his home on the kibbutz, and was always a prominent member of the new kibbutz and was devoted to his work, the mainstay of parties and evenings of entertainment, Handball and soccer, Moti was critical and sometimes insisted, out of a desire to improve, to innovate and to do He was excellent in his direct approach to problems and in presenting every interest in the right dimension, despite his great involvement in kibbutz life and the great thought During the Yom Kippur War, Moti participated in the battles of containment and break-up against the Egyptians on the Sinai front On October 16, 1973, he fought as a tank driver in the central sector, Near the bridgehead. When the bridge was breached, Moti’s tank was hit by the shelling, and after he left itHe was also hit and killed. He was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery at Kibbutz Urim. Survived by a wife and son – Mordechai, who was born in March 1974, parents and brother. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. Kibbutz Urim published a pamphlet in his memory of friends about his character.

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