Tal Hadar Vidavsky

Tal Hadar Vidavsky

Chief Warrant Officer Tal Hadar Vidavsky son of Shoshana and Nathan. Born on the 19th of Adar 5763 (16 March 1971) in Arad.

On January 2, 1995, Tal joined the Israel Police. He served in the USSR (Special Central Unit) in the Border Patrol.

Tal married to Nirit. The two set up their home and raised their children in Moshav Kidron in the lowlands.

Rabbi Tal Hadar (Vidavsky) fell while performing his role on the thirteenth day of Tammuz 5766 (June 26, 2018)at the age of 47 and was laid to rest in the Kidron cemetery. Left a family.

On his gravestone, his lovers wrote: “In your kindness your nobility, your modesty and your quiet power, you will forever remember in our hearts.”

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