Tal, Eli

Tal, Eli

Son of Yehudit and Teddy, was born on the 11th of Iyar 5709 (10.5.1949) in China. In 1949, as a baby, he immigrated to Israel with his family, who settled in Haifa. Eli first studied at the elementary school on the estate and later at the Nitzanim elementary school. Before completing his high school education, he went to work and acquired his profession as a technician. In this profession, he joined IAI. In April 1967 he enlisted in the IDF and served as an aircraft technician in the IAF, where he underwent a series of courses and in November 1967 was promoted to Corporal. In his service, he held responsible positions beyond his official rank. In November 1979 he was promoted to sergeant. Eli fought in the Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur War. In July 1978, when a new armored unit was established, he was appointed as a reserve soldier, took a tank driver training course and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel, and on July 11, 1983 he was called to reserve duty in the Golan Heights, He died on his way to the hospital and died at the age of 34. Eli was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul in Tel Aviv and left behind a wife, two children and a mother, Eli’s image is engraved in our hearts as a model warrior and a dedicated and loyal friend of his friends and commanders. Together with us, he bore the heavy burden of establishing and consolidating the unit, during intensive training and ongoing security missions in the Peace for Galilee war. Eli has stood in these difficult tests with the responsibility and honor that deserve praise “

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