Tahan, Virginia

Tahan, Virginia

Daughter of Juliet and Aaron, was born on March 2, 1960 in Be’er Ya’akov, where her parents moved to Holon, where she began to study at the Syrkin elementary school, She finished tenth grade and went to work as a clerk at the electric company, Virginia, a devoted and loyal daughter to her parents and brother, full of joy and always smiling on her face, she knew how to make people laugh and take it easy. , Laughing and smiling became a natural part of their conversation, and Virginia could help anyone close and far away, even if she had not been asked to do so. 8 Virginia enlisted in the IDF, underwent basic training and was assigned to a driving course. After completing her course, she was promoted to corporal and served as a driver in her unit On Tuesday, 29.5.1979, Virginia went on a Simcha vacation. In the evening she drove like a hitchhiker in a civilian car. Near Nes Tziona the car collided with a truck, and Virginia was killed in an accident. She was 19 years old when she died. She was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Holon. Virginia left behind her parents, four brothers and three sisters. The commander of her unit wrote to her family: “In her role as a driver, she was dedicated to work, and always helped others, keeping her spirits up and her cheerfulness creating a good atmosphere for those around her.”

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