Tadri, Eliyahu (Eli)

Tadri, Eliyahu (Eli)

Son of-Luna and Ben-Zion, was born on September 18, 1914 in Jaffa and acquired a high school education. He worked as a clerk in the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court. He was a member of the Hagana for ten years and in 1938, for the first time, he joined the Haganah to defend Karkur. In 1940 he enlisted, in accordance with the Hagana’s instructions, to the British Army. After excelling in his service, they agreed to transfer him to the navy where he served as sergeant major. Elijah was wounded in a naval battle and lay in the hospital of the British Navy in Alexandria. After his release he returned to the Haganah. As a resident of the Tel Aviv-Jaffa school area, he bravely defended Brent Street with a single hand grenade, a break of Arabs towards Tel Aviv, until the reinforcements arrived. He fought in the Battle of Latrun and was wounded several times as a combat soldier in the ranks of the Carmeli Brigade, which participated in the battles for the liberation of the Western Galilee, including the battle for Acre. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Nahariya. He left a wife and four children. After his death, he was granted the rank of First Lieutenant (lieutenant).

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