Sussan-Shoshan, Yitzhak (Jackie)

Sussan-Shoshan, Yitzhak (Jackie)

Yitzhak (Jackie), son of Helen and Shimon, was born on April 5, 1954, in the city of Satat, Morocco, and immigrated with his family to Israel in May 1956. was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of May 1973 and assigned to the infantry. Although he was recommended to continue his high studies at the Physical Education School, he decided to serve in the army earlier. He volunteered for a parachute unit, but he did not have time to wear the wings and the red beret. His friends and commanders told him about the unit: “In basic training he was quiet and obedient, and showed a high level of perception and physical fitness, although he suffered from a wounded leg, took us on a eighty kilometer journey and crossed the obstacle course like everyone else. When Jackie did not go out to one of the pursuits, he was angry and feeling deprived, and when he came back from pursuit, he was upright, proud, and all said joy, not the desire to kill, heaven forbid, but because of the feeling: I fought and I won. ” In the Yom Kippur War he was with his unit on the southern front. On the 17th of Tishrei 5740 (October 17, 1973), the order was issued to leave for the “Chinese farm”. It was decided to send a rescue squad, and one soldier was chosen from each platoon. “Jackie wanted to go, although he knew about the bitter battles taking place in the area, and during the battle he was hit by an Egyptian machine gun and fell.” He was brought to eternal rest in the Ashdod cemetery. Survived by his parents and three brothers. After his fall, he was promoted to corporal.

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