Sukar, Moshe Nachman

Sukar, Moshe Nachman

The only son of Yaakov and Yehudit. He was born on the 15th of Tishrei, October 18, 1948, in Campo-Long, Romania. In 1961, the family immigrated to Israel. Moshe continued his studies in Haifa. He was a member of the Shooting Club, and was interested in the game of soccer. He was drafted in August 1966, and proved humble, honest, and diligent in carrying out his duties. On the 5th of Elul, August 29, 1968, he fell while serving in the Kantara-El Arish road. He was laid to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. His commander wrote of him as one of the battalion’s best soldiers. During the Six-Day War he took part in reprisals and other operations, and left safely, but when he reached the point of his release, he fell.

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