Suissa, Meir

Suissa, Meir

Son of Eli and Massouda. Born in Iyar, May 1948 in Casablanca, Morocco. After Meyer attended first grade at the elementary school there, his family immigrated to Israel, in 1956. He completed his elementary studies at a school in Beit Shean. He loved to read history and science books, and was interested in music. He was a good and devoted son, who listened to his parents, and was ready to come to their aid, when they were in distress. He was drafted into the IDF in February 1966. Meir did not give his full duty service, because when he was driving from Majdal Shams to the Golan Heights, he died. This was on the 7th day of Tishrei, September 29, 1968. He was brought to rest in the cemetery in Beit She’an. The commander of his unit wrote in a letter of condolences to his parents, among other things, “What ever the mission, you could trust him with everything, performing his role with faith.” The loss is very great for you and for us.

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