Suad, Abd al-Salam

Suad, Abd al-Salam

Ben Talia and Hussein. He was born on January 8, 1979, in Shfaram. Abed was born into a loving family, the third son among seven brothers and sisters. He began his elementary education at the age of five at the Su’ad Khumeira school in Khumayra and graduated from the Kaabiya school in Ka’abiya. He completed his high school studies at the Ort Comprehensive School in Bir el Maksur. When he was still young, he stood out in his wisdom, drawing the attention of his teachers, who recognized his unique abilities. In addition to his sharp intellect, he also had exceptional social skills. Abed was a friend and evil to everyone, and he was dear to many. His wide circle of acquaintances was very diverse, and the connecting thread between them was their great love for him: his close and distant family members, his peers and their parents, teachers and mentors. Could easily have found a common language with someone whose world was very different from his own. He was always ready to enrich his world with a new human experience. He respected and appreciated the experience of older people, sought their closeness and used to accompany them, so that the opportunities for learning and the interior enjoyed the knowledge they chose to share. Abed loved life. He made efforts to broaden his horizons and experiences. He enjoyed a walk in the countryside, and spent long hours walking on foot, exploring the surroundings. Another pleasure was working on heavy mechanical equipment. When he was about sixteen, he took out a tractor license and began working in a quarry in Shfaram, in addition to his studies. But Abed’s ambition was to enlist in the IDF and to be a full-fledged soldier, and he used to collect the symbols of IDF soldiers and shirts and coats belonging to the various units in general and the Border Police in particular. Abed felt that his mission was to join the ranks of this force. Abed decided to give up the rest of the school year in favor of the long-awaited service period, and was drafted into the IDF in late 1996 and began to realize his dream – Training in Border Guard training. Abed fell during his service on December 6, 1996. He was eighteen years old. He was laid to rest in the Suad Hamira cemetery. Survived by his parents, and six brothers and sisters – spiritual, Abd al-Rahman, Mahmoud Dave, Abir, Hajla and Yasmin.

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